how strong is colossus juggernaut

Juggernaut vs Beast & Colossus - Battles - Comic Vine.
Colossus (Character) - Comic Vine.
Superman vs Colossus( Juggernaut) - Comic Vine.
May 19, 2013. Colossus is among the physically strongest X-Men, and is a talented. Juggernaut's superhumanly strong leg muscles allow him to run and.
Colossus Vs Juggernaut (RULES) - Battles - Comic Vine.
Colossus is the weakest of all of them. Doomsday evolves to win and can't die. Juggernaut has magic. Hulk has the ability to get so strong that he rapes reality.
Bad Guys, Colossus, Good Guys, Juggernaut, Mutants, Super Villians, Superheroes, X-Men.. Their best brawler is plenty strong, but there's absolutely no way.
Jubilee and Wolverine find the real culprit, Juggernaut, robbing a bank, and try to apprehend him, but Juggernaut is too strong. Soon, Storm, Rogue, Colossus.
How Strong is Colossus? page last/ - Comic Vine.
how strong is colossus juggernaut
How Strong is Colossus? - Colossus - Comic Vine.
Colossus wouldn't be able to hurt Juggernaut, regardless of whether he's. idk. but the adamantium fused into him and it made him rediculously strong.
Itf it is the current weakened Juggernaut, then Beast and Colossus for the win. Agianst the full powered .. strong maybe lol CONGRATES XP ". Thanx, FLCL1 !