white discharge odor but no itching what is it

I have white discharge but it dries in my underwear yellow. Yeast.
I shower/bath daily and everything, but it really can start to smell because after. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.

Smelly Vagina, Lots of discharge - But not yellow or itchy.
Smelly vaginal discharge but no itching? - Yahoo! Answers.
Fishy smell, no itching, maybe discharge? - Yahoo! Answers.
Sometimes it's smells weird but it's not like a strong odor that you can smell when I'm. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.
Mar 12, 2012. Instead I've noticed thick chunky milky white discharge with no smell. There is a slight itch, but its on my vulva not anywhere inside my vagina.
Normal discharge may appear clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish when dry. like cottage cheese); Grey/white or yellow/green discharge with a foul odor. Partners are not usually treated unless they are displaying symptoms such as itching.
white discharge odor but no itching what is it
white discharge odor but no itching what is it
(( VaginaPagina )) - milky white discharge?
Sometimes it's smells weird but it's not like a strong odor that you can smell when I'm. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching.
Mar 12, 2012. Instead I've noticed thick chunky milky white discharge with no smell. There is a slight itch, but its on my vulva not anywhere inside my vagina.
Ovulation and Ovaries Forum - very thick, white discharge, no odor.
Signs of yeast infections: White, cottage cheese-like discharge. Swelling and pain around the vulva. Intense itching. Buy Monistat 7 over-the-counter.
Vaginal Discharge and Odor no itching?!? - Yahoo! Answers.